Far removed #1
Maria do Céu
It took me about six years to make this portrait of Maria! During that time, it always came to my mind something not much different from this. I imagined her standing at her store with that old and cheap painting behind as a canvas. She was quite sceptical about being portrayed, but I insisted. I travelled with my flash and the light modifier, to not have an excuse to once again leave without a portrait. I was determined! Despite the few minutes I had to set up things, it was an unforgettable moment for both.
The day after the shooting, she was telling me that she did not pass well the night before and that she had prayed the “confession of confessions”, begging for forgiveness. I asked her if she could say the prayer. I found it beautiful and asked her if I may record it on tape, and she agreed! She does not remember who taught her, but she remembers a priest who also found it beautiful and asked to write it down a long time ago, but it never happened. You can ear the record below as well as the transcription.
A few months later, I got there again and took her some printings. Another great moment! Just for the record, Maria is quite an expressive storyteller, and it’s no exception in this recording of her prayer.
“Confissão das confissões”
“A Deus me confesso e à Vossa Reverência.
Senhor, qual foi o juízo da minha consciência!
Eu nunca me confessei bem,
nem por falta de pecados,
nem por falta de confessores,
foi só por não ter procurado remédio
para a salvação da minha alma.
Mas Senhor vos peço:
como Pai espiritual me confesseis,
como Deus me absolveis.
Doce Jesus da minha alma, dono do meu coração,
dai-me nesta vida a graça e na outra a salvação;
perdoai-me os meus pecados,
que Vós bem sabeis os que eles são.”
- Maria do Céu
“A confession of confessions”
“To God and His Reverence I confess.
My Lord, how reliable has my conscience been?
I’ve never confessed as I should,
neither for lack of sins,
nor for lack of confessors,
Just for not following the right way
to save my soul.
But, my Lord, I ask Thee:
As my Holy Father, receive my confession,
As God, give me Your forgiveness.
My sweet, beloved Jesus, owner of my heart,
Give me Your Grace in life and Your salvation in the hereafter;
Forgive my sins,
Which You well know.”